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Sandia Biotech中國總代

描述:Sandia Biotech為方便中國客戶,特與上海起發實驗合作來為廣大科研工作者提供優質服務,如有需要請與上海起發實驗試劑有限公司


Sandia Biotech, Inc., a New Mexico, investor owned, C-Corporation is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Our product line is based on a Split Green Fluorescent Protein (sGFP) internationally patented technology licensed from Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). This novel technology is used in protein and peptide analysis for medical, drug development and biotech industries.

The Problem: Immunoassays and similar technologies currently used in the analysis of proteins and peptides can be expensive and time-consuming, and often do not provide important information related to structural characteristics and biological function. Unlike our products, these methodologies often encounter background and size limitations resulting in ambiguous results and costly delays in the product development process.

Solution: Sandia Biotech’s sGFP technology is an innovative, cost-effective tool for the detection and quantification of peptides, proteins and other molecules of biological interest. Advantages of this technology over those currently in existence include simplicity and increased specificity with a concomitant reduction in false positives, development cost, analyst time and reagent cost. Further, this technology is capable of providing information on protein folding and aggregation resulting in significant savings in development costs.

Management Team

Tony G. Pino
Tony Pino


Tony Pino was instrumental in the formation and start-up of Sandia Biotech and heads up business operations and development. He is the former Executive Vice President of Biotech Imaging, Inc. (BTI) in charge of business development. Prior to joining BTI, Mr. Pino was a Certified Business Intermediary for twelve years, specializing in small business valuations and acquisitions and has owned and sold several small unrelated businesses. Mr. Pino holds an MPA from the University of New Mexico.

Adrian Rubio, M.S.Adrian

Vice President of Manufacturing and Product Development

Adrian Rubio was also involved in the formation and start-up of Sandia Biotech, Inc. and is the architect of the scale-up of the current GFP product line. He had previously coordinated HIV research at the Coulston Foundation at Holloman AFB and later managed research and development of antibody based products for Biotech-Imaging Inc. While earning his master’s degree, he performed research in applied immunology, protein chemistry and toxicology. He received Master of Science Degree in Biology from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech).



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