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描述:Meliorum Technologies是一家私人持股的公司,生產的*納米材料和納米材料為基礎的應用程序的前體,以滿足大學的研究和工業生產的嚴格的技術要求的廣泛



History. Meliorum Technologies is a privay held company which manufactures a broad range of cutting edge nanomaterials and nanomaterial-based application precursors to satisfy the stringent technical requirements of both university research and industrial manufacturing. Meliorum's nanofabrication process allows for production of highly uniform nanomaterials, scalable from micrograms up to kilograms. As a result of its ability to deliver materials with strict specification claims, Meliorum realized its first substantial revenue from operations in August 2003 from a large university in the northeastern US.

Industry Uncertainty. There has been considerable flux in the nanotechnology industry over the past ten years as both university and industry researchers attempt to define an unequivocally value-added deliverable to the nano-buying market. Inaccurate claims of mean particle size in powders and suspensions (agglomeration versus primary particle size), for example, have unfortunay brought specification uncertainty to the field. Underperformance in product quality and specifications in previous experiences resulted in the company founders' identification of a true unfulfilled need in the marketplace, which leads to our Mission Statement . . .

Mission Statement. since its inception Meliorum Technologies has defined its mission statement as follows:

"Meliorum Technologies, Inc. will provide the nanotech industry and
university researchers worldwide with nanomaterials and other nanomaterial-based precursors which provide strict, cutting-edge specifications at a reasonable cost, thereby adding significant 
value to the end consumer."


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