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Mott Corporation公司介紹

描述:Mott Corporation (formerly Mott Metallurgical Corporation) was founded as a Connecticut corporation on July 9, 1959 by Lambert H. Mott





Mott Corporation (formerly Mott Metallurgical Corporation) was founded as a Connecticut corporation on July 9, 1959 by Lambert H. Mott. The company consists of three business segments:
  • OEM Parts/Products - Porous metal shapes, components, assemblies, inline filters
  • Process Filtration Systems - Large scale filter systems (gas and liquid), filter elements, and pilot scale filters for refinery,petrochemical and power generation
  • High Purity Products - Gas filters, diffusers and flow restrictors for semiconductor quality gases; spargers and filters forbiopharmaceutical applications.
The Company has expanded its facilities four times since 1968 to a current total of approximay 86,000 square feet. In November of 1996, Mott took occupancy of a new 40,000 square foot facility for its High Purity Manufacturing processes. This facility is also the home for Sales and Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Executive and Administrative offices. Mott Corporation currently employs 160 people.
In December 2006, owners of Mott tendered their shares in the company to an Employee Stock Ownership Trust. This was established in order to create a 100% Employee Stock Ownership Program for the employees.
Mott has effectively implemented Lean Enterprise throughout the organization with a focus on continuous improvement. Continuous improvement philosophy and a Quality Management System are firmly in place and have been primary factors in successes based on measurement of customer satisfaction, process improvements and product conformance. Employees have embraced Lean Enterprise practices and regularly take part in Kaizen Events, 5S activities and Six Sigma projects. We currently employ several Six Sigma Black Belts who are trained in Six Sigma methodology and advanced statistical tools. Daily metrics allow the business to continuously evaluate processes and products to ensure efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

Mott Corporation is ISO 9001:2008 Certified and promotes quality in all aspects of the business. Mott also meets MIL-Q-9858A compliance requirements.


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