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Cellular Technology Ltd (CTL)公司介紹

描述:國凱斯西儲大學(CWRU)的病理學教授Paul V. Lehmann博士開發出新一代ELISPOT檢測技術,繼而創立CTL公司,致力于為用戶提供Z精確的ELISPOT檢測儀器和解決方案。


美國Cellular Technology Ltd (CTL)  www.elispot.cn  www.immunospot.com
 Cellular Technology Ltd (CTL)是世界和zui大的 ELISPOT 技術解決方案提供商。CTL 由 1996 年在美國 Ohio Case Western Reverse University 大學發明新一代 ELISPOT 分析方法的 Paul V. Lehmann 教授所創建。
CTL 是 ELISPOT 技術的世界*,*創立了當代新型 ELISPOT 方法,將 ELISPOT 技術提升到了精確科學的高度;*將圖像分析引入到 ELISPOT中,制造出世界上*臺商業 ELISPOT 分析儀。CTL 15年來一直從事細胞免疫學研究,專注于 ELISPOT 領域已經超過 10 年的歷史。CTL 是美國 NIH 免疫耐受網*的 ELISPOT 分析實驗室和分析儀提供商。CTL 提供 ELISPOT 分析儀硬件、軟件和相關服務。是世界上*能提供 ELISPOT 服務,包括雙色分析、質量控制和大規模 ELISPOT 協約服務在內的技術提供商。敬請,探討 ELISPOT 技術如何為您的科研、臨床和新藥研制等領域提供有力的幫助。
Cellular Technology Ltd. was formed in 1998 by Dr. Paul V. Lehmann, a Professor at the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. 

Dr. Lehmann is a leader in the field of T cell immunology with over 20 high ranking publications dedicated to establishing the scientific basis of cytokine ELISPOT analysis.

Dr. Lehmann developed the original ImmunoSpot technology in order to conduct his own research more effectively. The ImmunoSpot platform is the most frequently referenced in the scientific literature in this field and is widely accepted to be the gold standard. Applications of ImmunoSpot technology include diagnosis and drug discovery for infectious diseases such as HIV and tuberculosis, better understanding and treatment of allergies and autoimmunity, the ability to predict rejection/acceptance responses in organ transplantation and significant improvements in vaccine development and monitoring including for various cancers where post treatment monitoring will be a key part of the therapy.

Dr. Lehmann pioneered the development of tools to accuray and reproducibly measure T cell responses. Dr. Lehmann and CTL designed and constructed the world’s very first ELISPOT reader under US Patent No: 6,410,252 (Methods for Measuring T Cell Cytokines, issued June 25, 2002). The company has been at the forefront of this field ever since.

In 2001, CTL established a laboratory to provide assay services to companies and academic researchers involved in cellular immunology research, drug discovery and drug development. These services include immunogenicity testing, plate scanning and analysis, and ELISPOT assay training.

Within recent years, CTL has expanded its platform to include additional products and services for those in the scientific community. These include cryopreserved PBMC, serum-free media, plaque and colony counters, and expanded contract research services.

Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, CTL has expanded to include offices in China, Germany, and Japan.

 CTL has been recognized as the leader in basic science publications about (and clinical application of) ELISPOT assays, instrumentation, software, and reagent solutions. CTL is the only entity that specializes in developing ELISPOT instrumentation, assays, and their implementation in GLP compliant contract research. As such, CTL has been recognized by the Cancer Vaccine Consortium as the ELISPOT reference laboratory and has been awarded by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) a contract for the validation of the ELISPOT assay for clinical trials.

In recent years, CTL has expanded to include instrumentation for evaluating bioassays as well as reagent solutions including cryopreserved PBMC samples and serum-free media.

Because of its commitment to world-class quality and performance, CTL was awarded the 2005 “Excellence in Exporting” award by the State of Ohio’s Governor’s Office.

Today, CTL’s instrumentation and products are placed in over 30 countries, with over 350 institutes adopting the ImmunoSpot® platform for their immunological research needs.


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