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描述:Ramco Laboratories, Inc., was founded in Houston Texas in 1976. Ramco manufactures, assembles, and markets proprietary medical diagnostic test kits and distributes products



Ramco Laboratories, Inc., was founded in Houston Texas in 1976. Ramco manufactures, assembles, and markets proprietary medical diagnostic test kits and distributes products for StanBio Laboratories, Inc., another Texas based company. Ramco sells to physician groups, hospitals, reference laboratories, and distributors in the U.S. and to distributors and dend users in international markets. Additionally, Ramco designs, commercializes, licenses, and sells assays developed by academic, research and commercial institutions.

Ramco is a privay held company founded by Dr. Clarence Alfrey an MD, PhD. Dr. Alfrey is a leading hematologist in the Texas Medical Center, a researcher for NASA, on staff at the Baylor College of Medicine, the retired medical director of the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, and a former President of the Harris County Medical Society. Though he is semi-retired from the previously mentioned duties, Dr. Alfrey remains actively involved in the company.


The list of medical diagnostic assays which Ramco manufactures includes:

  • EIA microplate and EIA bead assay for quantifying von Willebrand Factor antigen ("vWF")
  • EIA microplate and an RIA bead assay for quantifying ferritin ("Ferririn -")
  • latex agglutination test for detecting antigen associated with systemic Candidiasis ("Cand-Tec")
  • RIA assay for quantifying serum erythropoietin ("Erythropoietin")
  • EIA microplate assay for quantifying serum transferrin receptor ("Transferrin Receptor")
  • Cassette preganacy tests using either serum or urine ("Quik Trak")

For further information regarding any of these assays, please go to the posted package insert.

For more information regarding our foreign distributors, please go to the appropriate area.


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