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描述:bussetti代理,bussetti上海代理,bussetti北京代理, bussetti產品代理,bussetti國內代理,bussetti中國代理



 bussetti代理,bussetti上海代理,bussetti北京代理, bussetti產品代理,bussetti國內代理,bussetti中國代理


ProductApplicationChem. Composition
GLANAPON DG 160Defoamer for yeast fermentation
Mixture of fatty acid esters with EO-PO-copolymers
GLANAPON DG 172 KONZDefoamer for yeast fermentation with very low dosage
Mixture of nonionic surface active substances
GLANAPON DG 158Universal defoamer for yeast fermentation
Mixture of fatty acid esters with EO-PO copolymers
GLANAPON 2000 KONZDefoamer for yeast fermentation
Combination of fatty acid esters with alkylene oxide polymers
GLANAPON DG 162Defoamer for yeast fermentation
Mixture of fatty acid esters with EO-PO copolymers
GLANAPON DG 121Defoamer for yeast fermentation
Combination of different alkylene oxide polymers.
OLINDRONAL DEKOEmulsifier for fresh yeast, designed to improve the friability and can be used as „cutting oil“
Mixture of natural fatty acid esters with neutral substances
OLINDRONAL PFEmulsifying agent for fresh yeast with a plastifying effect. It protects the yeast from drying out and gives a bright surface
Mixture of natural fatty acid esters
OLINDRONAL PF KONZEmulsifier concentrate for fresh yeast production with a plastifying effect. It protects the yeast from drying out and gives a bright surface.
Mixture of different fatty acid esters
OLINDRONAL PF-STEmulsifier for fresh yeast. It gives a plastifying effect and protects the yeast from drying out giving a bright surface
Combination of natural fatty acid esters
OLINDRONAL PF EMULSIONEmulsifier for fresh yeast production. It gives a plastifying effect and protects the yeast from drying out and gives a bright surface
Aqueous emulsion of natural fatty acid esters with hydrophilic esters, preserved
OLINDRONAL CEmulsifier for active dry bakery yeast
Citric acid esters from edible fatty acid glycerides
OLINDRONAL SMSEmulsifier for active dry bakery yeast
Self emulsifiable sorbitanester
OLINDRONAL SKEmulsifier for active dry bakery yeast
Composition of various self-emulsifiable esters



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