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REF# Description Length Handle Unit Size

PICR-185 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – Classic 18 cm Flat 10 per box

PIOR-185 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – Classic 18 cm Round 10 per box

PICL-235 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – Classic 23 cm Flat 10 per box

PIOL-235 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – Classic 23 cm Round 10 per box

REF# Description Length Handle Unit Size

PUCR-185 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex 18 cm Flat 10 per box

PUOR-185 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex 18 cm Round 10 per box

PUCL-235 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex 23 cm Flat 10 per box

PUOL-235 R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex 23 cm Round 10 per box

R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – Classic

R.G. Edwards Embryo Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex

REF# Description Length Handle Unit Size

PITR-185 R.G. Edwards Trial Transfer Catheter – Classic 18 cm Round 10 per box

PITL-235 R.G. Edwards Trial Transfer Catheter – Classic 23 cm Round 10 per box

PUTR-185 R.G. Edwards Trial Transfer Catheter – DynaFlex 18 cm Round 10 per box

PUTL-235 R.G. Edwards Trial Transfer Catheter

– DynaFlex 23 cm Round 10 per box

Length - 18 cm Catheter measures 18 cm from the base of the inner catheter to the tip, with the outer

catheter covering all but 5 cm of the inner catheter.

Length - 23 cm Catheter measures 23 cm from the base of the inner catheter to the tip, with the outer

catheter covering all but 5 cm of the inner catheter.

REF# Description Length Handle Unit Size

STYR-185 R.G. Edwards Stylet 18 cm Round 10 per box

STYL-235 R.G. Edwards Stylet 23 cm Round 10 per box


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