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Exiqon公司總部位于丹麥,在microRNA表達分析領域具有地位。Exiqon公 司提供miRCURY™系列產品,專門用于研究microRNA的表達,分布和功能。Exiqon的microRNA芯片使用基于LNATM技術的捕 獲探針,與普通DNA捕獲探針相比,高親和力的LNA捕獲探針能夠克服普通DNA探針Tm值不*,芯片對不同microRNA雜交親和力不同的缺點,使 Exiqon的microRNA芯片表現出比同類產品更為優異的品質。

BrandProd. No. Product Name Description 
exiqon203611microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I+II, V3.M miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I+II in 384well PCR plates (type M), one reaction each of 752 human microRNAs plus control assays . For use with ABI 7900HT and other instruments. 
exiqon203612microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I+II, V3.R miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I+II in 384well PCR plates (type R), one reaction each of 752 human microRNAs plus control assays. For use with Roche LightCycler 480 instruments. 
exiqon203613microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I, V3.M miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I in 384well PCR plates (type M), one reaction each of 372 human microRNAs plus control assays. For use with ABI 7900HT and other instruments. 
exiqon203614microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I, V3.R miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I in 384well PCR plates (type R), one reaction each of 372 human microRNAs plus control assays. For use with Roche LightCycler 480 instruments. 
exiqon203709microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Mouse&Rat panel I+II, V3.M miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Mouse&Rat panel I+II in 384well PCR plates (type M), one reaction each of 752 Mouse&Rat microRNAs plus control assays. For use with ABI 7900HT and other instruments. 
exiqon203710microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Mouse&Rat panel I+II, V3.R miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Mouse&Rat panel I+II in 384well PCR plates (type R), one reaction each of 752 Mouse&Rat microRNAs plus control assays. For use with Roche LightCycler 480 instruments. 
exiqon203711microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Mouse&Rat panel I, V3.M miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Mouse&Rat panel I in 384well PCR plates (type M), one reaction each of 372 Mouse&Rat microRNAs plus control assays. For use with ABI 7900HT and other instruments. 
exiqon203712microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Mouse&Rat panel I, V3.R miRCURY LNA?? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Mouse&Rat panel I in 384well PCR plates (type R), one reaction each of 372 Mouse&Rat microRNAs plus control assays. For use with Roche LightCycler 480 instruments. 
exiqon203607microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I+II, V2.M miRCURY LNA? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I and 4x Human panel II in 384well PCR plates, one reaction each of 742 human microRNAs and 6 reference genes. For use with ABI 7900HT and other instruments. 
exiqon203608microRNA Ready-to-Use PCR, Human panel I+II, V2.R miRCURY LNA? Universal RT microRNA PCR, 4x Human panel I and 4x Human panel II in 384well PCR plates, one reaction each of 742 human microRNAs and 6 reference genes. For use with Roche LightCycler 480 instruments. 


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